How to choose the right startup technology stack In 2021?

You need resources to help you build a house during the construction process.

With building a startup, the same idea goes hand in hand. To make your project work, you need a technology stack.

It is like being a genius cobbler but always wearing the worst shoes when you have a good startup idea but lousy execution.

You will easily launch your startup, scale quickly, and not worry about increasing your company with a good tech stack. The site would be able to cope and not shut down with numerous requests.

What is a tech stack?

A set of programming languages, frameworks, libraries, and tools for developing a software product is the technology stack.

There are two sections of every application form: server-side and client-side, otherwise known as front-end and back-end.

Just imagine a house…

The walls you create with bricks are a back-end part of your application. It is the basis for your future development.

The front-end side of the building’s facade. Together, you have a startup product that has ample living room for an entire megapolis.

Here are a few critical points to consider when selecting the startup technology stack:

1. Expenses

As a startup, you are likely to have a strict budget divided between development and marketing. So, here are a few things you should keep in mind and know about development costs.

  • Price of Technology’s 

It is no secret that new technology costs money, so you would not want to spend money as the startup founder. Thus, supporting open-source technologies will be the most profitable thing for you to do.

The benefit of open-source is that it is accessible and open to the public with the source code, which means you can use that technology for free.

The benefits of open-source:

  • Cost-efficient
  • Evolving
  • Customizable
  • Enduring

You should bear in mind how long this technology is supposed to exist when selecting an open-source technology for your startup. To search, you should look at whether big businesses use a specific programming language and structure.

  • Salary of the Developer

All right, let me break it down for you: the more successful the technology is, the more developers on the market there would be—popularity results in greater competition for developers and lower prices.

Do not be fooled by modern ‘hype’ languages, as the newer the language or system of programming is, the harder and more costly it is to find a successful developer.

It is no secret that the older any technology version is, the greater the chances of finding a cheaper developer.

If you happen to have a tiny startup budget and decide to use an old version of letting us say PHP to cheat to save some development money, you might end up spending so much more than you planned.

2. Community

Make sure you have a vibrant and involved community with the technologies you will use with a startup.

Overall, how the culture mirrors useful technology is not healthy, then it won’t be good for society.

The group also demonstrates how rich the technology for learning tools is, which would be useful to any startup developer. Also, the group provides resources to solve the technological challenges that a startup may have.

Our team happens to be collaborating with the Ruby community, one of the most dynamic cities. We can assure you that a startup is a significant factor for an organization. They can be named “startup technologies,” thanks to Ruby’s cities and its RoR system.

3. Marketing time

We can say that speed is essential for ANY start-up, judging from the numerous start-ups we have created.


Ok, for this, there are two reasons:

Next, everyone may just be doing the same thing. And the first one to fire, you know, would be the one to hit the jackpot;

Second, there is no endless start-up budget, because the longer you are stuck in the creation stage, the more money you will spend.

That is where it can be handy for external investments. If you are not bootstrapping, it may be a smart idea to collect investment before the construction process.

Guide to obtaining funds for your start-up project

A startup does not have a chance to bring its product/service on the market as fast as possible because the competition starts if someone has a similar concept to yours.

The conventional web technology stack that our business uses to build a start-up

Our advice as a start-up development company will be to choose technologies that are easy to incorporate and have many helpful third-party integrations to speed up the process of development.

The conventional web technology stack that our organization uses to build a start-up:

  • Server-side: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL
  • Client-side: JavaScript (React.js, Angular.js, Vue.js, Node.js), jQuery, HTML, CSS
  • Tools (hosting, monitoring, etc.): Docker, Capistrano

4. Scalability

You intend to expand your start-up and engage more customers, do not you? Oh, then it is a must-have to choose an easily scalable programming language.

What does a scalable product mean exactly? Maybe you can inquire.

Well, a scalable application should be able to process numerous requests to your server rapidly, whether mobile or online.

Say, you have one hundred requests a day, and your product works well. But when you start to gain momentum and get more offers, will this continue to occur? And what if it fails at the worst moment possible? Horror around startups.

We use scalable programming languages and frameworks, such as PHP, Python, or Ruby, to face this nightmare.

5. Size of project

Not building a big startup all at once should be the right start-up target, but concentrating more on incremental business growth.

You will concentrate on developing an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) first, which will help gather the input you need from your target audience and find out what features are lacking.

However, in building a simple MVP and the grown-up startup that your heart desires, the tech stack should have a promising future.

6. Type of project

Your technology stack for web applications or mobile apps will rely heavily on it, whether you want to create a marketplace, a social network app, or a file hosting service.

If you are interested in developing a marketplace, then for this work, Ruby is an acceptable candidate. A great combination of an e-commerce website is Ruby on Rails with React. There are several examples of Rails-built service marketplaces: Fiverr, Airbnb, TikkTalk, Shopify, and Couchsurfing, to name a few.

Python is your best shot if you are eager to build an app for a social network or a file hosting service. Just look at Facebook, Dropbox, or Instagram.

What about getting a game created? Would you like to make the next Minecraft? You can, then, select Java.

You can also still take a peek at the tech stacks of businesses already on the market. At Stack share, a website showcasing the tech tools that companies are using, you can check them out.

7. Web vs. Mobile

This is an eternal query! Only if you know your target group well will you be able to make a decision.

A smartphone or a web app will your customer use? Analyze your target audience and go ahead with an acceptable product form.

Wrapping up

A technology stack can act as a platform to get the business back on its feet.

Time plays a crucial part here. But the vital aspect is not to neglect the standard of time and economy in the chase.

If you ignore the product’s quality and concentrate only on the speed, cost, or design, the outcome might be another dropped project that did not see the daylight.

As a company that has been developing companies for over nine years, we believe that you should consider using technologies and frameworks to select THE RIGHT TECHNOLOGY STACK tailored for your needs …

  • Free and scalable
  • Have a large developer pool
  • Have an enthusiastic community
  • Tools to speed up the process of production
  • Fit the form and scale of your start-up